Basic Socks – The pattern

Designed by: Tina Robbins

Sock yarn of your choice – 100 gr.
Circular needles – 32″ or longer – Size of your choice

Gauge: EVERY
Size: fits foot circumference: ALL

You have tons of fun customizing your socks to fit your foot exactly the way you want. This pattern is written with formulas so you can use any yarn and any size needle.


17 Responses to “Basic Socks – The pattern”

  1. DollyC Says:

    Glad to find your blog! Thanks for sharing so many knitting tips. I love your toes up socks publish in Ravelry.

  2. Kathy Says:

    I’ve been reading a lot of blog posts on socks and I really appreciate your generousity in posting this. I’ve knitted one or two (Second -sock -syndrome projects) basic socks and the more beautiful things I see on the web, the more inspired I am to go back and give socks another try. Armed with this tutorial, of course. Thank you.

  3. Tammie Pfeiffer Says:

    Does this pattern use an after thought heel?

    • bloomingknitter Says:

      This pattern has a short-row heel. You can use any general short row heel for this pattern, but I also include instructions for a short-row heel. If you prefer, you can do an after thought heel in place of the short-row heel. Let me know if you have any other questions.

    • bloomingknitter Says:

      No, the pattern using a version of a short row heel that I sort of created.

  4. penny Says:

    How will this pattern come to me and in what format and it easily printable?

  5. Sue Roberts Says:

    Is this the pattern for the Toe-up tutorial video on utube.? I want the one with the charts and info about measurements. Ist’s impossible to tell from any of the Ravelry patterns you’ve posted there.

    Many thanks

    • bloomingknitter Says:

      Sorry for the delay in responding, yes, this is the pattern for the Toe-up YouTube Tutorial.

  6. Carol Says:

    I purchased this pattern but didn’t find it helpful at all. It was mostly the steps to show how to get measurements. Doesn’t describe the steps used in detail like I needed and the increases are listed differently than the video. I didn’t know if I needed to do left leaning, right leaning or M1L, M1R, or M1 or if they are all the same.

  7. Sheila Dramdahl-Maddio Says:

    Dear tina,

    Is this the pattern with the turkish cast on, and short row heel? I found a You Tube video and was told I could find the pattern on Raverly. The pattern cost was $3.00. THis one is $5.00. I just want to get the right pattern. The video is great, but I did hear the calculations for a pattern. I thought that the turkish cast on was a great way to start the socks.

    • bloomingknitter Says:

      When the pattern was first released it was $3.00, but that was an introductory offer. Please let me know if you have any other questions.

  8. Roxy Says:

    Can I purchase the video with the written instuctions anywhere?

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